Western Shore at Risk |
As often happens in the springtime of the year, Atenveldt's Western Shore has been threated by invaders who think to find our Bridge undefended.
We call upon all worthies stong of arm and wise in the ways of battle, to join us April 13-15, 2001 for the Annual Defender's Tourney. To declare for champion, one must compete in at least 3 of 4 catagories: Hardsuit, Rapier, Archery and Arts and Sciences. Prospective fighters should bring something to add to the prize chest in order to compete. The tourney will be held at Campbell's Redy-Mix Gravel Yard in Lake Havasu City. From 95 travel N-NE (away from the Lake) on McCulloch Blvd. S to Chemehuevi Blvd. Turn East on Chemehuevi and drive to the end the street, where the smiling Trolls will tell you how to reach the site. Site fee is $10.00 for Adult non-members, $8.00 with proof of membership and includes the feast Saturday evening. Children ages 6-12 are half price. Children under 5 admitted and fed for free. Those who are bringing children under 10 should bring a dozen un-decorated hard-boiled eggs for Saturday's children's activity and the Sunday morning egg hunt. The site is primitive. There is some water and port-a-johns will be provided, but you will want to bring your own shade and plenty of your favorite hot-weather beverage. |
The Defenders of the Western Shores Tourney is now just a memeory. Click here to read all about it. To Index |