The Defenders of the Western Shores Tourney is now just a memeory. Guests included HRM Etain, HE Nicelle and Mistress Mairi Broder.
Official winners of fighting events: Archery--Lord Edward of Westmark Hardsuit--Erick the Viking Rapier--Lord Edward of Westmark Arts and Sciences--Lord Marcus the Christian Overall winner (determined by the total number of points)--Lord Edward of Westmark. |
At HRM Etain's afternoon court, the Shire of Londinium ab Rubrum Flumen was officially recognized. The populace presented Her Royal Majesty with a "Book of Hours" style scroll encased in a carved casket. Many members of the group, including Lady Phoebe, HL Regan, Lady Rhiannon, and HL Duncan, had contributed to the project.
The Bridge Defender's Shield was passed from last year's defender to Lord Edward. Marcus the Christian received his Award of Arms. Following Court, a wonderful feast prepared by Lord Arnack and his assistants was enjoyed by all. Part of the pleasure of the day had been in watching the preparations of the feast, which included a whole roast pig. Several of the young people of the group learned that being a chef's assistant in period was not easy when they were called upon to turn the spit during the afternoon. The evening was spent in good conversation. Several of the children and HE Nicelle joined Lady Anne in coloring eggs. Sunday morning was dedicated to activities for the children. The archery range was opened to the young archers, who did quite well. There was also an egg hunt. Much thanks goes to all who participated and cudos to the Autocrat, HL Regan Weissdrachen.
To activities for June & July 2001 |