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The Shire of Londinium is located on the western edge of the Kingdom of Atenveldt. Known to the mundane world as Lake Havasu City, AZ, the area has had a long association with the Society for Creative Anacronism.

Lake Havasu is the "American home of the London Bridge". In 1971 when the Bridge was opened to the public, members of the Society were part of the opening festivities. The battle fought at the opening of the Bridge has grown and changed location several times. It has most recently been known as the Estrella War, which is the second largest Society event held annually.


Seneschal--Lady Caterina of Dandroy

Herald--Lady Wentliana verch Pengrych Saebeorn

Knight Marshal--Master Frederick Tinamou the Untamed

Reeve--Lady Rhiannon de Bruigh

Arts and Sciences--Lady Phoebe McGregor

Chronicler--Lady Anne of Westmark

Peer--Master Frederick Tinamou the Untamed

Our monthly meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the program room at the Lake Havasu City Library. Meetings are casual, but garb is strongly recommended. Click here for a calender of meetings for the current year. All dates are subject to change.
Fighter Practice
Fighter practice is held Wednesday evenings about 7PM at the library. Garb is recommended but not enforced. Please contact Master Tinamou for more information. Phone 855-3521 e-mail
Upcoming Events
Coming in October:

London Bridge Days

October 22-28,2001

The populace of Londinium frequently becomes involved in the London Bridge Days activities. We are looking forward to participating in the annual Reniassance Fair in conjunction with London Bridge Days.
Contact any of the officers above for more information.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the SCA.
Kingdom of Atenveldt Lady Erin's/Lord James' Rapier Page
Visit our other website. Rhiannon's Musings
Barony of Ered Sul Lady Wentliana's Page
Anachronist's Encyclopedia Lady Anne's Page
Medieval TimesThe "unofficial" newspaper of the Known World.
Contact the Chronicler

Ye Olde Disclaimer

This is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page or it's links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version.